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  • Germany: Schaperstraße 28, 10719 Berlin
  • Spain: C. de Bravo Murillo, 377, 28020 Madrid.
  • Italy: Via Venti Settembre, 118, 00187 Rome
  • Portugal: Rua Saraiva de Carvalho, nº194-196, 1250-245 Lisbon

«Humanitatis cultus est fundamentum civitatis bene gerendae, ubi homines non solum propter utilitates suas, sed propter dignitatem ipsam coluntur. Omnes homines iure libertatis et aequitatis fruuntur, et ad meliorem vitam aspirare debent. Sapientia antiquorum nos docet de virtutibus, de arte vivendi, et de respectu inter personas omnium ordinum. Ergo, est officium nostrum ut humanitatem promoveamus, educationem foveamus, et iustitiam in societate nostra conservemus.»

Pope Saint John Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyła).

«The cultivation of humanity is the foundation of a well-governed state, where people are valued not merely for their utility, but for their dignity itself. All humans enjoy the rights of freedom and equality, and should aspire to a better life. The wisdom of the ancients teaches us about virtues, the art of living, and respect among individuals of all ranks. Therefore, it is our duty to promote humanity, nurture education, and preserve justice in our society.»

Pope Saint John Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyła).